Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Hello and welcome to School-At-Home, Work-At-Home Mom!
I'm Lisa, a full-time copy editor working from home (my dream job and I love it!). My two sons are home all day with me too since we made the decision to homeschool Andrew, age 16, and Matthew, age 13.
Our route to homeschooling came after years in a small Christian school and a very brief stint in public school. Is homeschooling for everyone? Of course not, but it is working for us.
Working from home came after years doing the 9-to-5 thing. That is a whole blog topic in itself.
Not only are the boys and I home all day together, we are still fairly new to the great state of North Carolina. As Pennsylvania transplants, we are still finding our way around; that includes making friends and expanding our social circles. My blogs will feature some of our day-to-day challenges, comments on what is going on in the world, and hopefully some insights from my boys as well.
I'm hoping to include links to things that I have found helpful and will be looking for feedback and your thoughts as well.

1 comment:

Dilliprasad said...
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